AML Supervision Reform Webinar 13.07.23

AML Supervision Reform webinar – 1:00pm on 13.07.2023

HMRC held an AML Supervision Reform webinar at 1:00pm on 13 July. They were informing supervised businesses about the outcome of a consultation they held following the publication of the 2022 review of the UK’s AML/CTF regulatory and supervisory regime.

They discussed what they intended to do as a result of the findings and were also seeking further views on supervisory expansion and their regulated populations relating to sanctions compliance. Of course, FCS Compliance attended to ensure our clients can continue to have everything required to remain compliant.

Please be aware that HMRC will continue to conduct their usual inspections following the recent publication of the latest penalties issued.

If you have been contacted by HMRC about a forthcoming inspection and would like our help, please get in touch.

Read the consultation report here: